Zongwei Li

Software Engineer - Web & Mobile Full-Stack

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I'm a software engineer at Google who specializes in full-stack work for both web and mobile. I love to solve real-world problems using tech. I'm open for consulting - drop me a line and let's chat!

My Professional Journey

Fall 2009

Started attending UCLA

While pursuing a BS in Computer Science, I was the lead developer for two UCLA startups.

Summer 2012

Summer Internship at Amazon

Created a service for users to create custom machine images in AWS CloudFormation, released as part of custom resources.

Spring 2013

Co-founded Fuze Follow-Up Systems

Built and launched a web and mobile platform that helps college organizations manage following up with interested students.

Fall 2013

Started at Amazon Appstore

Began my first full-time job at Amazon, working on scaling the backend systems that publish apps to the store.

Spring 2015

Joined Google

Built and scaled up MapReduce pipeline that powers AdWords recommendations. Switched teams in 2017 to focus more on Android development for the in-product support libraries that are used by 100+ Google apps.

Fall 2020

Became tech lead

Promoted to senior software engineer and became tech lead for the mobile (Android/iOS) in-product support libraries.


Programming Languages


Java is my preferred language, and I've used it extensively for backend systems at Amazon and Google, in addition to building Android apps.


I've used JS (and sometimes Typescript) for all of the frontends I've worked on. I'm fluent with several JS libraries like JQuery, KnockoutJS, and DurandalJS.


I use Objective-C for iOS work @ Google, where I currently tech lead the Android/iOS in-product support libraries.
C/C++ Golang HTML/CSS Dart Bash Scripting

Developer Technologies

Android Development

I've built several Android apps both within Google and on my own. I currently tech lead the Android/iOS in-product support libraries.

Amazon Web Services

I've run several projects on top of AWS, both within Amazon and externally. I'm experienced with: EC2, S3, CloudFront, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFormation, RDS, SNS, SQS, SES, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, Route 53, CloudWatch.

iOS Development

I currently tech lead the Android/iOS in-product support libraries.
Flutter Distributed Systems SQL MapReduce RESTful APIs

Other Skills

System Design

Working through the details of how a system should function end-to-end and writing cohesive design docs.


Helping engineers grow. Successfully hosted interns at both Amazon and Google and mentoring new team members.

Code Review

Doing detailed, constructive reviews of other engineers' code. I regularly review ~80-100 change lists in a month.

Technical Interviewing

Providing meaningful feedback as part of technical interviews. I've given 50+ interviews at Google.

Automated Testing

Setting up testing frameworks and writing unit, integration, and UI tests to ensure that software stays working.

Team + Product Planning

Contributing to both the quarterly tactical planning and long-term strategic planning.

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